Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff

Hello all. I am new to the site but have been ravenously reading reviews and posts the last few weeks. I am in the proccess of replacing my 20 year old Boston A 400's with the Sttafs....Now my dilemma.I am currently running a Denon 2106 and have found a helpful dealer selling...Naim, Creek, Sim, Cambridge, Arcam. I am seriously considering jumping in the deep end of the audio pool and get a new power source as well to match....My problem..The dealer is a 3 hr drive away so auditioning the Totems and the matching amps is possible, im hoping your experince may help me have a better starting point if im to drive that far....I know other brands are out there, but I dont have access to viewing them, let alone buying them. Im hoping $ 1,500 cdn will put me in a good spot to get the most from the Totems...Thanks in advance.

I had Staff/Cayin combo before and was happy with combo. Went back to Arro/Cayin combo only because I like imaging/tonality of Arro's more.

Cayin amp is quite good, even my friend admitted his Arro/SS amp w/3x more "watts" didn't sound as initimate, organic, "you are there" as my setup.

Trust your ears.
I have recently bought Sttaf's on the Gon and am using the Cambridge 840a to drive them. When I upgrade I will consider both the Krell 400 and MF A5.For now I have, what for me, is a very full and pleasing sound.

The Staff and Krell would be a HORRIBLE combination. I know because I've used them together. No synergy what-so-ever. You'd be better off with a Naim 5i, SimAudio i-3...just my opinion.
I recently hooked up a pair of Sttafs to the Creek Destiny Integrated and it was very nice. It's really as high end as anyone needs. May I also suggest the new Marantz PM-15S1GL Integrated. It's very nice and would be a good compliment to the Sttafs. Build quality is amazing too.