Most transparent amp you've heard?

Of the amps I've listened to the Halcro DM58 was the most transparent. Anything else similar or better in that department?

Thanks Sean
I will tonight. . . 3mg Melotonin. Must be all this talk about transparent signals being molested by amps and speakers. I am a very urh. . . sensitive audiophile. G.
After years of listening to many pieces of equipment and some not [all] making me want to listen to my records and cd's all over again.....I think whenever I say wow I never heard that before it is more transparent.....My Vac amp stays constant and every other change I make is a it allows me to make progress toward transparency, which is a good thing. Also the wow factor I can't easily say what it is so many things.
Agree with Pubul57. It is interesting to be able to hear the engineers signature in a recording, not to mention the sound stage changes from one recording to another.
When Ken Stevens of CAT was asked by a resistor manufacturer what kind of flavor he wanted, his answer was that he wanted them to have the flavor of water. I think he meant that the sound of a piece of equipment should be like a chameleon so that issues of bass, soundstaging, imaging, dynamics, etc are a refelection of the recording, not an overlay on the recording. I think this is he definition of neutrality and transparency. I think the CAT was very transparent in this sense, and to an even greater degree the Atma-sphere amps, at least with my Merlins.
Hi guys, You want me to define what I mean by transparent. To me a transparent component is one that passes the signal with the least harm to the signal passing through it.

How do you know if one component is causing less harm than another? I guess that depends on what you consider harm.

What I'am after is a very low noise floor, low distortion but also musical amp. I have Innersound Kaya speakers and love how transparent they sound.

The amp I have now {Parasound Halo A21} is good enough for any normal human being, but you know how it is in this hobby we are always looking for better.
