Most transparent amp you've heard?

Of the amps I've listened to the Halcro DM58 was the most transparent. Anything else similar or better in that department?

Thanks Sean
Tvad- You managed to quote exactly what I said about the sound in my listening room being true "largely"(look it up- It means "generally") true to what I heard during the recording sessions. I also mentioned, "No claims to perfection." Then You entered into an immediate rant about claims I never made in that statement and reminded me so much of my ex-wife: It triggered an old response. So- I added another log to the fire. It cost me dearly to rid myself of her irrationalities. Gratefully- It won't cost me anything here. The TacT 2.2X (RCS) is not an amp. Over the years many have depended on my hearing, and paid for my services. I must be hearing and doing something right, as I've got a lot of happy customers. Enjoy whatever you enjoy!
Post removed 
the most transparent amp i've heard is the darTZeel NHB-108 using the darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp and connected with the 'zeel' BNC cables.

the dart is a solid state design but it's sound is like music. no solid state sterility, grityness or upper mid-range glare, that wonderful solid state high frequency extension but with a sweetness instead of hardness. the dart also has that 'breath of life' of tubes without the darkness or roundness. with a very short signal path, minimum number of output devices and no global negative feedback you have a 'see-thru' quality, delicate nuance, naturalness, and an extremely low noise floor yet excellent micro-dynamic energy.

the dart does not impose a character on the music; instead it gets out of the way and achieves an amazing level of transparency and it's sound is the sound of real music.

the closest thing to a darTZeel in transparency in my experience would be the very best OTL tube amps; my favorite of which is the Tenor OTL and then the Atmasphere.

i have not heard everything out there.....
Atmosphere puts it well......"Ultimately transparency turned out to be "a lack of audible distortion, which would otherwise mask detail".
I have the Halcro DM58 Monoblocks which have ultra low-distortion as their main aim. I also have the Halcro DM10 Preamp. The reduction in distortion with the insertion of these amps was certainly beneficial to the overall 'transparency' of the total system, but it wasn't until I reduced those remaining distortions by inserting the ZYX Universe cartridge, the Raven AC-3 turntable, the Continuum Copperhead arm and most importantly.......the Duelund VSF capacitors in the speaker cross-over, that a blissful purity of effortless sound could project from the system's speakers.
To listen to most other systems now, I am painfully aware of the low-level distortions which are present. Atmasphere knows his 'onions'!
Thanks for the replies.

I'm going to RMAF this year. Here is a list of amps I want to audition.

ASR Emitter 2 exclusive
Atmasphere MA2 mk3
Audio Research
Bolder 2060
FM Acoustics
Parasound JC1
Pass XA.5 and X.5
Rogue Zeus or Apollo
Wolcott not sure if they will be there

Is there anything else I should look out for that will work with my Innersounds?

I know audio shows are not the best way to audition gear but most of the stuff I'm interested in is not represented here in Seattle.