Audio Technica AT33PTG/II MC Cartridge, anyone have it or heard it?

This currently available MC specs are exactly what I like, does anyone have it, heard it, tried it, sent it away???

on ebay, $450. full specs shown

AT website, $550. 

I have another thread in search of a MC cartridge,

this is a new thread so everyone sees this specific question.

thanks, Elliott
I ordered it, I couldn't wait, torture of research. I've read good things from people not on the forum and past members about it's sound. 

Thanks for the advice I couldn't wait for!

It's specs are nearly identical to the special year 2000 issue AT ART2000MC, which, if I find/buy will cost another $200. to fix it's old suspension

be here thursday, I'll play it thru Bill's Denon Au-320 SUT then to my mx110z tube phono.

Any SUT advice?
@elliottbnewcombjr I do have an AT33PTG/II in my line up and think it’s a terrific cartridge, Audio Technica gives you a lot for the money especially looking at the specs! This model was only available in Japan and Europe, but it sold so well that it became available here.
In my system, this cartridge is very nicely balanced with enough snap and detail to keep me interested and enough tone to make it musical sounding. It tracks well with very little surface noise and I did not have to tinker much to get it to sound really good. Not the best cartridge I have but it gives me enough of everything and would be excellent for every day listening. I think you made a wise choice, let us know how you like it.
Thanks, that’s encouraging,

Now I am after a good SUT choice for it/s .3mv10 ohm to end up into my mx110z’s MM Phono 3mv/47k input

I started a separate thread asking for help with that.

The AT 33 PTG 11 is an exceptional cartridge for the money if you have the phono stage to use it. A step up with a 1 in 20 gain will work very well. Get a good interconnect between the step up and the phono stage and enjoy. 

Thanks, yes 20x is a good choice for AT33PTG/2: .3mv output; 10 ohm impedance.

I went thru a learning phase here

I chose the Vintage and Versatile Fidelity Research FRT-4
Unit tested, seller knows electronics, 100% rating, takes returns

3 inputs; MM bypass; four settings: 3 ohms;10 ohms; 30 ohm; 100 ohms
I expect to listen and choose either 10 ohm 18x or 30 ohm 21x

10 ohm = 21x = +26db = 6.3mV output = 107 ohm load

30 ohm = 18x = + 25.2db = 5.5mv output = 140 ohm load

options for future MC cartridges

3 ohm = 36x = +31db

100 ohm = 10.6x = +20db

bypass for my Mono Cartridge

I like 3 inputs option too, you never know,

I got the cartridge, all aligned, calibrated, waiting for Fidelity FRT-4 SUT to arrive on the 20th, then schedule with Bill to bring 2 of his SUT's.

It really is a shame AT doesn't use body threads so only top screws would be needed for easy movement during overhang/null settings.

This is the old fashion PITA nuts and screws, only worse. There isn't even a socket for the nuts to keep them from turning when tightening the screws, totally sucks.

Screws go in from the bottom, because the molded recess that receives the screw heads prevents holding the nuts if you put them at the bottom. Then, to make a fine adjustment, headshell off, lightly loosen, back in, check, out, tighten. No way could I put this in a fixed arm, it must be removable headshell. 

Totally sucks, Common Skinny Love, Common Threaded Body!
Oh baby, it sounds fantastic, playing thru SUT into beloved MM phono stage of beloved McIntosh Tube Tuner/Preamp mx110z.

SUT is Fidelity Research FRT-4.

other comments my moments ago post here:

thanks for the help!

Sounds like you're really liking it! the AT33PTG/2 is a winner and can easily compete with carts up to 2K from smaller boutique manufacturers.
The only thing I don't like is that it tracks at 2.0 grams, I am used to:

Shure V15VxMR which tracks at 1g

AT440ml 1.25g

Shure Elliptical 97xe 1.25g

Grado Mono 1.5g

I believe the AT33PTG-II is beating the Shure V15VxMR because of it's greater channel separation, and it's tighter channel balance. It's not frequency, they produce the same range, detail, it's not about preferred bass kick as I expected, the AT is simply more 'open', the same sounds, but some space between. I keep saying, when you tweak balance of a track that is a little off, sometimes just a little bit, it is surprising how much of a difference it can make, this is similar to my ears. 

The last 2 tracks of side 2 of this, all 3 guitarists play together, one of my all time favorites, and a very revealing test are better than I ever heard them with no doubt. They are 2 great tracks to refine anti-skate as well.

The Shure is going upstairs to my office system, to have a listen out with the AT440ml on the Mitsubishi Vertical Turntable LT-5V

Someone said separation and specs are not a way to choose a cartridge, perhaps, but this AT33PTG-II has the best specs of any cartridge I own, and sounds better than anything I have ever owned, or heard at my Audiophile friends systems.

of course various ... is different than ... published specs are:

AT33: SUT 6.3mv; 15-50k; sep 30db; bal .5db, track 2.0g

Shure V15.. 3mv; 10-25k; sep 25db; bal 1.5db, track 1.0g (brush option)

AT440ml: 5.0mv; 5-32k; sep 30db; bal .75db; track 1.25g

Shure 97xe: 4mv; 20-22k; sep 25db; bal 2db; track 1.25g (brush option)

Grado Mono: 4mv; 10-55k; track 1.5g

I always preferred my Shure V15VxMR over my AT440ml, but primarily because of the brush, in TT prior location on springy floor, now both main and office systems are solid, no bruch needed. We shall see tomorrow upstairs.

Just to complete this thread,

I prefered the AT440ml to the Shure upstairs on the Vertical Mitsubishi LT-5V (no dust issue in my office like downstairs) 

I realized, downstairs, cleaning/testing LP's for sale on eBay, I was putting wear on the fixed stylus MC,

So I found a compact tonearm to squeeze on the left side, now 3 arms, Mono left side; MM rear (removable headshell); MC right side, testing LP's on MM now. Keepers via MC. 

photo here

3rd input of SUT came in handy. I got darn lucky along the way with this project.

I have been using 60db gain for this cartridge and it sounds great. This is the gain setting that KAB usa recommended. However I punched in a formula to figure out the right gain for this cartridge and I came up with 70db. My Hagerman Trumpet MC has a 68dm setting so I gave it a shot. It sounds much better. More bass slam and more fine detail. This is the result of a better signal to noise ratio.

Loading this cart at 60db is too little. Can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out.

Phono gain alone is never the whole story. You need to add linestage gain. You need to consider amplifier input sensitivity (how many signal volts are required for full amplifier output) and speakers sensitivity . Also room size and reflectivity of furniture. Thus no on line calculator of phono gain can be fully relied upon. But your direct experience counts of course.


where do you get these high gain numbers?

I found a chart of Step Up Transformers:

Ortofon, Fidelity Research; Denon; Audio-Technica; EAR; Supex; Bryston; Nakamichi; Sony.

highest gain +36db (XF 63.1) (for a coil with 3 ohm impedance)

lowest gain +16.5db (XF 6.7) (for coils with 40-250 ohm impedance)


AT33PTG/II cartridge: .3mv signal; 10 ohm coil impedance

10x formula guidance is 100 ohms impedance to be shown to typical phono stage 47k

(impedance shown formula is: (typical phono stage) 47k divided by XF squared).

Or whatever impedance your particular phono stage is divided by XF squared

My SUT, Fidelity Research FRT-4 has Pass for MM and 4 options for MC.

4 XF (x factors) with resultant impedance shown to the phono stage

3 ohm input: +31db; XF 35.84 = 10.8mv signal = 37 ohms shown

10 ohm input: +26db; XF 20.68 = 6.3mv signal = 110 ohms shown

30 ohm input: +25db; XF 18.27 = 5.4mv signal = 141 ohms shown

100 ohms input: +20db; XF 10.55 = 3.3mv signal = 423 ohms shown


EAR MC4 has 4 options: +30db; +28db; +25db; +20db.

Denon AU-320 2 options: +31db; +20db

What am I missing??