Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
My recently acquired Elrog 300B replaces Psvane WE101D replica on Lampizator Big7 as output tube (Big7 has a switch to take either lower current or higher current tubes).

Initial impressions are very positive. Right now it is not as refined as 101D but it dwarfs 101D in every other areas. Sound stage expands dramatically; more details (and 101D was reported to be utterly detailed on Big7); better depths (but filled with information) and more holographic; more sense of realism on vocal.

I suppose that it needs burn-in to be more refined. Also my system needs tweaking. But certain details and depths already show how capable Elrog is. I am looking forward to trying them on tube amps sooner.

Thanks again to Charles and fellows for all the inputs. :)
That's an interesting comparison of those two very different tubes. I use the W.E. Replica 101D in my line stage and it's superb in that function. It's a thrill having both of these tubes in the same signal path working together.
I have Lampizator Big 7 as well. But I use 45s, the best of them, Cunningham, and then the best of that.
Please keep us posted how it develops. Have you tried any other tubes on Lampi Big 7, including any other 300Bs?

Just as Charles1dad I upgraded to PSvane 101D WE Replica on the same line stage. Worth the extra 300 over the stock tubes for sure.
I bought two pair of Elrogs from George at tubesusa as well. I might have around 20 hours on them at this time in my Golden Dreams PSET's. They replaced KR Audio balloons and I have to say they were an immediately noticeable upgrade. It'll be a little more difficult for me to evaluate how they change with run time due to a replacement of the rectifier a week prior in my Melody P2688 line stage.

What I can attribute to the Elrogs is this: very transparent (a clearer view into the music), perceived expanded bandwidth top to bottom, micro dynamic "action" is enhanced. The latter trait allows for a closer tracking of the emotional elements in the music. I hope reliability is at an equal level as sound quality because these are keepers.
Hi Jordan(Germanboxers),
Jordan, your initial impression sure equals mine! Emotion is the key word. Believe me they will continue to improve with additional hours of use. These are superior sounding 300b replacements and I'm happy they work in your Audion amp. I suspect "most"(heed Dmarkov's warning) 300b amps will mate well with the excellent Elrog tubes.