Preamp for atma sphere m60

Just purchased the m60 and was wondering which preamp is best for the money for this amp.
I know there is a synergy thing going when using the same brand especially with atma sphere, but was wondering if there are other brands that will satisfy.
I am in search of something that will take my system to the top. I suppose the mp1 would probably be the best choice. But the price entry is out of reach, is there something else that can do it. Obviously the balanced outs are needed but the phono stage is not so critical.
Don't rule out the Atma-Sphere MP-3. With the regulator and V-Cap options it's very nice.
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I would second Tvad's recommendation for the Audio Horizon 2.1. You can do a 30 day audition and return it if it is not to your liking so what is to lose there?? I would suggest that you specificy that the unit you audition must have the premium input and especially the output transformers which make this unit one of the best out there and a real steal at its asking price.

Good luck with your search!!
Look at K&K Audio: "Active line stage".

Kevin can build a fully balanced unit. 6N6P tubes are robust, inexpensive and readily available.

The most logical choice would be an MP-3/MP-1 (haven't heard either yet). However, I'm using a BAT VK-3ixSE and it's a match made in heaven with my Atma S-30mk3.