Ladies(just to be on the safe side) and Gentlemen I think that covers everybody, thanks for the responses.
Let's say I want to make this atma m60 work and really well that is, which preamp will be the last one for this combo. Something that will have future upgrade possibilities. I know the mp1 would be the best choice but I cannot layout that kinda dough. Therefore should I stick with mp3 and will there be enough room for upgradebility that will take it to the top, I know it shares the same topology. I know an mp1 from the earlier years may show up for decent money but the upgrades are costly.
I get a glimps of that wow factor with my system now with the sim pre/power, being spoiled a little I want to be wowed with tubes. I like the air and imaging you find in top systems. Can it be the audio horizons? Or will passive provide that too, or is the phono in atma sphere worth going there, I would like to think so. I am in favor of going with atma sphere, and am hoping the mp3 will suffice with all the tweaks. Comments?