recommend full featured preamps?

I have about decided I really want tone controls and a balance knob, and seek recommendations. I often listen late at low volume (so some bass boost is desirable), and on many records the tone or balance is off. I prefer tubes but am not so sure it matters any more. An included phono section, to eliminate an interconnect, seems most reasonable. In other words, a premap like they used to make. Not really aware of anything besides McIntosh that has all these features and would appreciate suggestions.
"I think their impedence curve does dip down to almost 3 ohms at one point."

That's probably a red flag with most any tube amp.

What is the amps rated output in 8, 4 and 2 ohms? If it does not double each time or come close, that could well account for the poor bass response.
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Roger Modgeski of Music Reference/RAM Labs is working on a tube preamp in the $1,000 range that uses tone controls. He was looking to design controls that overcame the problems of tone controls and the sonic damage they do. I think they may actually be available now. I don't know if he succeeded or not, but I do know he is one heck of a good audio engineer. I'm sure he would be happy to talk to you about. I think it is part of his SET series of components.
For dirt cheap and better than many thousand dollar preamps, a good Dynaco Pas 3 is still hard to beat.