How much power is to much power?

When is an amp overkill for a speaker? More specifically, I have 91db speakers and I'm considering two SS amps, one 140 watts and the other 200 watts. Are they both too much? Is it too much simply because you're paying for extra power but don't need it, or because it's a detriment to the overall system sound?

Hello Stevechan:

"DF is simply load impedance divided by source impedance.

Nothing more"

Agree, withjust one very small clarification: this ratio is measured at one given frequency (industry standard). I believe its 1 kHz but I could be mistaken. My point is that if DF = 1,000 at one frequency then it can be 0.001 at another.

Thank you

It is unwise to postulate. Then again, how else could someone justify their $9,000-1000wattperchannel-superintegratedamplfiier?


The speakers in question were the Totem Acoustic Forest.

I will reiterate: power is overrated and there is more to amplifier design then watts.

Yes, there's such a thing as 'too much power'. It all happens when your amp is so powerfull over your speakers that the sound is 'choked' and the speakers can't breathe.

I know many will disagree, but I experienced this phenomenon a few times along my audio years. Too much power and too little power is not a good thing.

I had to recently abandon a powerful 100 watter tube monoblock for a 30 watt stereo piece for just the same reasons. My speakers performed best with he 30 watter tube amp despite their spec numbers. Add to that, the sonics of the new amp were inherently better.



Thanks for sharing your speaker info. I used to have a pair of Accoustic Zen Adagio speakers which are similar to yours. My 50Wpc KT88 monoblocks drove them with ease.

The much larger woofers in my JM Lab Alto Utopia need more current to drive. Consequently, you need a higher power amp.

Saying an amp is too powerful is like saying a car too fast, a girl too pretty, too much money, too much fun, etc. :-)
I'd love a pair of Pass X1000's(1000W), but they're too powerfull for my Merlins(250w).