Israel blume responded to an earlier email today. He says the plate voltage of the Frankenstein is 400 votes, he says the heat dissipation is measured at 28 watts. He said changing the cathode resistor from 1 to 1.2 k ohms is technically okay but in his opinion will result in sonic deterioration. He further said that in the past four years he has had virtually no failures using the Pavane and Shuguang 300b tube. He Points out how cool running the Frankenstein amplifier is, he attributes this to using over Spec capacitors transformers and resistors.
I really appreciate Israel's response today, I can agree with him on the cool running Frankenstein and the durability and longevity of using Shuguang as well as EML tubes. I've decided to leave the stock resistor in place, and just wait for the tweaked/modified version of the Elrocg tube and go from there.