Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

Mapman, sorry you are right, but they did and do make speakers that bounce sound everywhere for a non-directional sound or pseudo openness.

I am of the opinion that a really good pair of horn loaded speakers might be the only design out there that might do it all as well or better (though in a larger package) and could lure me off of the Ohms some day.

Good omnis (Bose are not, Ohms are only pseudo-omni techically) and horns (from what I've heard) probably share little in common other than the ability to truly disappear and provide the illusion that the players are right in your room.

The Ohms in particular also have outstanding dynamics though they do require a lot of clean power in comparison to horns.

HAve you heard the Ohms recently?
Mapman, what horns have you heard that are omni-like? I find that very surprising.

DC, I haven't heard any horns recently at all.

But I've heard murmurings that designs like the larger Avantgardes, for example, when properly set up, can totally vanish and present the illusion that the performers are in your room.

I tend to believe that it is true but haven't actually heard it with my own ears.

I can say for a fact that this does happen with the Ohms.

Horns and omnis like MBL or German Physiks and even the Ohms are clearly two ends of the spectrum in regards to design, but I'm thinking they can achieve similar effects in regards to holographic imaging through different means.