Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hello Al,
Thanks for your participation and insight. At this stage I will patiently wait for the new batch of modified Elrog tubes that presumably are better suited for the Frankenstein amplifier. Al, I know your VAC REN 300b amplifier is considered a highly tuned design that's said to be tough on the 300b. Are certain tubes selected/screened by Kevin Hayes to match the amplifier's demands? The Pavane/Shuguang black glass that Israel uses very successfully is a good sounding tube but not in same tier as the Elrog.
May be, this reverse engineered circuit helps:


I have simulated and measured with different tubes (WE, Psvane, Shughuang, Electro Harmonix...Elrog) The results are nearely the same...about 400V (405...420V) plate voltage (as Israel Blume responded) and the anode current was at about 80-90mA...a little bit more than 28W ;-).

Dissipation = anode current multiplied by anode voltage

If I take the 400 volts and 80mA (the lowest values) then it will result 32W. Using real measured values I get near 36W...not really cool running.

Gorge Lenz was talking about red glowing areas on the anode surface of the ER300B...We test and burn in the tubes at 400V/90mA (36W). If any tube is showing "red dots" on the anode surface while burn in or testing, we reject this tube immediately. So, if a tube has glowing anodes in a customer amp, there is a (massive) overload.

Btw, can anyone do some measurements on a real Frank?
I'm very intrested in the heater voltage using an EML XLS and an Elrog also.
Hi Matthias,
This been educational, all I want is the superb sound the Franks/Elrog provide.lsrael said the resistor change you recommend will definitely lower the plate voltage but also result in sonic degradation. Wish you two could somehow work together (fantasy I know).
I do recognize that the Elrog is an excellent tube. The issue is the parameters/operating points of my particular amplifier. I'm very confident that I'll get a replacement pair that will work fine(now that the issue has been identified) and allow me to continue to enjoy their wonderful sound. Again I appreciate your expertise and input.