Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Thanks, Charles. I'm still fairly early in the process of "dialing in" the DEQX, which is a somewhat complex and lengthy one especially given that I've chosen to do it all myself without utilizing the optional service they offer of assisting remotely via Skype. But it's proving to be educational and fun, and even without its speaker and room correction features it's already providing significant sonic benefits just as a preamp and DAC upgrade.

Matthias, thanks for providing the link to the WE datasheet, which as you had indicated does state 400V, 36W, and 100 ma as maximum ratings, with the words "design center values" added.

So it seems that between issuance in 1939 of the datasheet I have, and issuance of the one you linked to in 1950, WE made their specs more conservative, for whatever reason.

And thanks also for the rest of your post, all of which sounds right to me.

Best regards,
-- Al
Charles I think you are in good hands and will be enjoying those Elrog tubes in no time and hopefully for a long time. As Spock once said Live Long And Prosper.
Matthias also brings to the table an interesting observation about the current draw of 1.5 amps for the EML 300b XLS. It is 25% higher than a standard 300b which is 1.2amps. This is something I have mentioned in these pages to folks who were considering buying the EML's since they are considered drop in replacements for standard 300b's. I have over spec filament transformers in my amp that can handle the extra current so it is no problem but the bigger concern is that 25% extra current draw reduces the voltage accordingly. I noticed this when I first installed my new EML's. No problem since I can simply add or subtract the dropping resistors in my filament supply and I check my voltages regularly since I am a DIY person. This is not so easy for a person who is not.
All this to say that when considering different types of non standard 300b tubes it is very important to do the research to make sure your amplifier can handle this tube properly -Jet
Yes, the problem has been discovered and competent people will correct it. George Lenz of tubesusa.com has been very responsive with me and in direct/frequent communication with Elrog, so I'm in good hands. They won't ship the new Elrogs until they've been fully tested at the specific needed parameters. That's fine with me. From this point onward people seeking Elrogs will be asked what amp are they using, this will ensure proper matching. I believe what I have experienced in this situation will help others.