Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

>>It may be that my ac purity and magic isolation allows me to hear benefits from the H-Cat that are denied others.<<

So one needs an $8000 vibration control device to hear the benefits of this component?

Seems like a serious design flaw.

Then again this might be a case of auditory deficiency.
Audiofool, I am sorry that you have never listened to any H-Cat product and never followed through on seeking to become a dealer. I really don't understand your mindless criticisms for something you haven't heard and apparently don't want to hear, but that is your business.
SO will the H-cat gear be on display at the RMAF?

Seems like that would greatly help present the case based at least on relative sonic merit if not technical details.
Mapman, Joe Cohen of Lotus Group, who is a dealer for H-Cat, had the prototype of the H-Cat amp but had an AM station coming through that was volume sensitive so he will probably have the line stage but will not have the amp. Roger cannot afford to have a room at the RMAF and his dealer in the Denver area, who did demonstrations last year, is now in China.

It would be very nice to give many the opportunity to hear the combination, especially with the outstanding Feastrex speakers.
In a buddy's listening room a set up consisting of Marten Design loudspeakers, Krell pre- and power amplifier (KSA 150) the sound was flat and not musical, while in the same listening room the sound through the Marten Design speakers with CAT preamplifier and Gruensch power amplifier was holographic, natural and dynamic. Which combination was the most "objective"/truthful? Should one disregard units that sound more holographic than most?
