Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

Pubul57, I agree about the dynamics. I think it is basically how slow our drivers are. If you have ever heard the old Altec VATs or the Klipshorns with their compression drivers, you get close to the dynamics of real music.

I think that were you where the microphones are you would hear similar realism.
I've been working on the assumption for a long time that the "Absolute Sound" was the goal of this hobby, but I sometimes wonder why that should necessarily be, isn't it just possible that equipment might convey music in a way that might be even more enjoyable and communicative and not really by being an exact replica of live, just different and working on its own terms? I suppose the problem is that you loose the benchmark which grounds the subjective approach to a standard, and without it you really fall into mere opinion and preference - but I do suspect that many enjoy equipment that may fail by the AS reference, but succeed wonderfully on their own terms - especially in terms of imaging, soundstaging, etc - though I doubt you would want to veer too far from accurate timbre and timing.
Pubul57, your observation regarding holography and dynamics in live vs reproduced music is right on the money.

Years ago one of Stereophile's writer offered some perspective that I think is worth passing along, only I can't find the exact quote. But it went something like this:

"I am not so much interested in WHERE the musicians are on the stage as I am in WHY they are on the stage."
