Powerful Tube Amp for SF Strads?

I am looking for recommendations for a powerful tube amp for my Strads. A powerful tube amp which truly excels at palpability, musicality but also has very good bass control (though bass control is not as 'mission critical' to me as palpability).

My current amp (see below) sounds great to my ears!...but runs out of steam much too soon.

My system today:

Zanden 5000S DAC
CJ Act 2
CJ MV60 (EL 34 tube)
SF Strads (4ohms, 92db sensitivity though impedence does dip to 2.5ohms)
Velodyne DD-18 (run in parallel)
Transparent Ref/Ref XL cabling throughout
Purist Audio Dominus PC

In addition to recommendations, any thoughts are welcome on Wavac, Audio Note, Zanden, VTL, CJ LP275...or monoblocking MV60 (EL34)? Thanks!

Vac has several amps that would easily drive the SF speakers. I have Thiel CS1.5 speakers that are 87db sensitivity and operate between 4 and 3 ohms. The amplifier I use is the VAC PA90.

Good hunting!
ANother vote for VAC here. I would recommend the current statement piece, the Phi 300.1. Really amazing sound, especially bass, speed and musicality. Driving my VSA VR-7SE's to new sonic heights every day without ever breaking a sweat... a phenomenal amp, as other owners have attested.
I hope I can be of some help,though not directly.

Last April,I was lucky enough to attend a superb demo of VAC,Zanden,and VTL electronics....

All A/B'd against each-other,on the JM Labs Nova Utopia speakers.This was in a good sized room,and we used both CD and LP's.A very good demonstration,based on the not so hot demoes I've attended over the years,in that room.

I think the Novas are about as sensitive as the Strads,and also dip in impedence in the bass freq.This should be a very similar speaker in sensitivity to different amps,I assume.

Bottom line,and quite surprising(to me).....

The 100 wpc VAC sounded superb and room filling.NO weakness on both CD or the LP's,being played.Loved the line,and especially the classy way the company owner handled himself.Real class!!

The VTL(BIG amps,and fuul line of pre/phonostage)sounded OK,but did not have the magic of the VAC,to me(I know many love the stuff).....Other attendees loved the bigger bass,but I felt it was a bit too dry.I got bored with the VTL's handling of timbre,but others liked the BIG sound.It did not float my boat,like the VAC stuff did.

The Zanden full line up(45wpc mono amps,pre/phono stage and CD player) was amazingly lifelike.Oh boy,this was nice!!

Of course we got the "full monty" treatment with the RIAA aspects of the fabulous phonostage.However the REAL surprise came by way of the ZANDEN mono amps.

These non high powered,but highly musical,amps "absolutely" filled a very large room (I'd guess about 20x30x12) with a huge sound stage,and had superb bass response.Very controlled,and very convincing in virtually all important areas....to me!Especially in timbral aspects of music,where I am a bit finicky.

Hope this helps.

Good luck...you won't need it -:)
Wow...Thanks Sirspeedy. Sounds pretty incredible. I will say the Zanden 5000S captured me, after only 5 minutes. I had struggled to do the DCS Elgar Plus 3x before ultimately deciding it was not for me in spite of how great it was.

I will look into the 9600s.

And yes, Downunder the Bernings are 30K. Nevertheless, i am someone who likes to listen to pieces like this so that either a) i determine i am going to keep looking, b) i understand the totality of what is achievable today, c) i decide i am either going to do something crazy like get them, or wait until a more sensible time to spring for them.

I bought my first boombox in 86, my first system 93-96, and have started the first upgrade in '05-'08. i have upgraded each component ONCE, and do not expect to look back for another 10+ years.

Thanks to the A'Goners, i have many things to audition before i decide: at the moment,

Berning Quad Z
CJ LP 275
Zanden 9600

will be an adventure for sure!
Consider Audio Valve challenger 180 watt class A, built like a German tank. Amp, tubes fully protected, auto bias, tells you if tubes are weak. Sound is amazing bass best Ive heard out of a tube amp. Can run differant tube types. Can drive most any loudspeaker including electrostatics