Used Tube Preamp Suggestions

Looking for suggestions on a used ( because the budget is under 1K, and preferably in the 600-800 range ) tube preamp to match with my new tube amp. I don't use a phono stage, just a line, so a strong phono stage would only be good for possible re-sale. I'm a little concerned about buying something "vintage" and not getting the time in down the road. I'm leaning towards an Audio Research SP9 mkII or a Rogue Perseus which I read a review it was noisy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rich
Take a look at:
Since Rcme53 is all done and happy, I want to throw one more recommendation for someone in the same situation.

Mapletree Line 2A SE Stereo Line Preamplifier

Very, very nice.
I love it.
One of my personal favorite underground brands.

What amp are you mating the AE3 mkII with?
I have the new AES Superamp mkII and it is an unbelievable amp. Hard to beat at its not to cheap $1800 price. I am using my DAC's direct to it. There is a beautiful soundstage and air with this combo. It has many SS qualities to it like very good bass and foot taping rhythm. This amp would match well with your preamp.
I started 15 years ago with a used Audible Illusion preamp and was and still am very pleased. There are several used on the market.
This is a simple answer.  I have a used Don Sachs tube preamp for sale, with all the serial upgrades and will be posting an ad for it soon.  I upgraded to his new preamp, but the original undated preamp is fantastic.  It does not have a remote.  Hit me up with a PM if you are interested.