Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?


My system consists of the following:

Slimdevices Transporter -> Bel Canto REF1000 Mono block amps -> Anthony Gallo Ref3.1 Speakers

I was wondering, should I be switching the Bel Canto amps on/off every time I listen to music? Or should I just leave them on permanently and only switch the transporter on/off (which i do anyways)?

"As an aside, I am not convinced that most equipment takes more than half an hour to get to optimum performance, at least mine does'nt."

Yes, but if you only have time for one album or CD, then you're screwed.
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Bel Canto if they are digital is no problem on... But then again turning them on 2 hours before helps too if you want them off most of the time.
Turning a ss power amp 24/7 may not affect the life of any electronic components?