Phono Preamps $500 - $1500

I will be using MM or high-output MC phono cartridges only. Currently I am using a Thorens TD124, SME 3009, Shure V15 Type IV setup. I'm considering the following phono preamps:

Simaudio Moon LP3 and LP5.3

If you have experience with these phono preamps, or have other suggestions, I would like to hear from you.

Thank you.

Look into

He makes amazing stuff. I have a Trumped which now
comes as a 2 box design with variable loading.
I second Rene's rec. of the JLTi. Amazing phono pre for the price - rivals others up to the $3k price range.
Another one to consider at the low end of your price range :>) is a used Mod Squad phono preamp with its included outboard power supply.
Quite a classic great sounding unit for classic cartridges of a bygone era.
I also mate this with Shure V15 Type IV setup.
Sounds very fine with my Grado Signature MCX cartridge, as well as other Shure cartridges in the V15 series.
Hi Greg , I have used the graham slee Era gold V and have tried the moon lp 5.3 . I am not familier with the ps audio . Both the graham and the moon are highly praised units . I sold the graham slee era gold V and now have the newer version the graham slee Reflex era gold . It is a good deal better than its predessor or the moon and is well within your range even new .Check the reveiws . As far as capturing more resolution or nuances in my opinion that starts in the grooves first with the cartridge then the phono pre .I get great resoltion, speed and nuances . The bass is exceptional as is the mids and highs . I use a rega exact 11 cartridge with an rb 300 rega arm (rewired it myself with the incognito wire set ) on a ja michell gyro se mk 11 and am very pleased with its performance versus cost . I know you would be happy with the graham slee.....till the bug bites again . Thats been my experience anyway . Cheers
A great vintage phono pre-amp, in your price range, showed
up on Audiogon this morning. The Threshold FET 10 was a great unit in it's day. And, no-I'm not the seller. Enjoy!