mcintosh 501 vs 2102

i have the 501's love them, love them love them. but since i have a tube pre amp. (shindo monbrison) and just got a new mcintosh c2300 (in box never used yet) i was thinking to take the whole plung and go all tubes. now do i need all the power the 501's give me. no. who does really? 75-100w is good enough. to power almost all 4om speakers that i run. so has anyone tried the 2102, my dealer does not have it in at the moment,
What speakers do you have? I think that will be the deciding factor. If you have current hungry speakers, 100Wpc may not be sufficient....
right now i have dali mk2 400 but i just ordered a set of totem winds. i have not hooked up the c2300 to the 501's yet, it is still in the box, i am using my shindo monbrison. i am debating wich pre amp to keep. or use. so jaybo, you have used the 2300 with the 501's? and what are your thoughts of the 2102? your saying the 501 is better suited? now grant you, maybe when i hook up the 2300 to the 501 i will get a great snyg. i love the way my shindo sounds with the 501, but like i siad im changing speakers. even though i just bouth the dalis, i came across the winds at a diffrnt dealer, and fell in love, so now i ordered those as well, and yes i now have two brand new set of speakers, or i will in about two months when the winds get built. ( selling the dalis) but back to what we were talkign about. i would love to hear from anyone who has used the 2300 with the 501's or the 2102. i love the 501's
Check this out;
That is my thread Jamnesta has attached.

My view is that 1 x MC2102 is generally a nice amp but does not have the dynamics nor the power vs the MC501's. The single MC2102 does however have that "tube" magic that the MC501's will never have and there is the quandry.
When you go to 2 x MC2102's you really get the best of all worlds. the dynamics and power are in spades and you get the tube magic.
I now have the c2300 and it is an excellent pre amp. It is also more revealing than say my old c46, but a lot better balanced.
I tried the MC501's back in 2006 and preferred the 2xMC2102's to the MC501's. I again tried the Mc501's about a month ago when I was demoing the c2300. the 2xMC2102's now kill the MC501's period.
You can get more detail from the karma thread.

have fun