Help - Need Preamp under 5K for Class D amps

I’ve been looking at preamps for some time now and now that I’ve finally taken delivery of some audiophile quality speakers it time to find this device.
My current setup is as follows:

Line Arrays in the form of AV123 LS-6’s driven by a pair of Nuforce 9 SEV2’s. No pre in the signal path. Source is a Slim devices Transporter. All files EAC ripped FLAC lossless compression.
AC services:
VH-Audio power cords service the Nuforce’s in Flavor 4 version as well as the Power conditioner. Dedicated circuit utilizing a Furutech outlet and Furutech silver IEC connectors, Furutech gold plugs on the opposite end on power cords except on the Transporter end where I use a Oyaide 079.

Adona Rack and a considerable amount of room treatments.

So what I hear while sitting on the couch is a pretty resolving system with pinpoint imaging, a decent amount of bloom, dynamics galore and a generally pleasing sound except… I’m not quite where I want to be in terms of just being able to relax into the music. I’d like a bit more air, or bloom or warmth? Sorry I don’t have the right description but perhaps the fact that I have NO pre is the problem in general. Overall sound seems to be a bit clinical. Maybe that’s the word.

This is why I ask the help of my audiophile brothers and sisters here. Running my MAC RCA Palladiums’ doesn’t improve this much over the balanced cables I own which are DH-Labs DIYers. Having a home theatre system in tow that utilizes the Nuforce’s as well I find myself constantly moving interconnect cables which is annoying at best.

I’ve been looking at Dan’s Modwright 36.5 and auditioned one from a fellow Audiogon seller. I couldn’t get a handle on it’s attributes from that audition – too different a system not to mention that I didn’t like what I was hearing from his setup. Others pre’s I’ve been interested in are as follows:

Parasound Halo JC-2 – No tubes but does that really matter?
Aesthetix Calypso
Audio Horizons 2.1
Modwright 36.5

Thanks for your advice.
The Truth mods are definitely on my radar. I thought however that the pre would give me the flexibility to cure my cable swapping issues when viewing home theatre.
Dodd battery pre. It crushed an Andio Note M3 and I am a fan of their products.
I've heard a lot of good things about the Dodd. I thought about building an Audio Note pre as well as I love DIY.

I'm looking for a theatre bypass function. In the interest of keeping 2 channel and HT seperated, and needing a multichannel amp anyway, I could in theory simply switch speaker cable outputs in some manner. Trade-offs you know. Speaker switch VS HT bypass?
I have the Dodd and love it and would certainly suggest that you consider it. However, since you are specifically looking to add warmth, I would also suggest considering the Red Wine Isabella, which is also a battery powered tubed pre whose end users have consistently described as having a warmer presentation than the Dodd. The magic of the Dodd, IMHO, is its transparency moreso than warmth per se.
You might add these to the audition list.
TRL Dude $3500
First Sound Presence Deluxe MKII $2400-4800
Cable Co,has a pre coming out,it was in their last "update" e-mail.They have the linestage and were waiting on the phono-worth a call.