I know exactly what your talking about, I had the same problem.
Getting a tube pre-amp will steer you in the right direction, but IMS changing to a gold IC was the icing on the cake, it gave me that rich tone and fullness I was looking for. The sound is still detailed and resolving but, has more meat on them bones.
I agree with Tvad the solution isn't one component. You will have to try different tubes,PC,IC,isolation devices,etc. until you get good synergy and the sound you like.
I have a Supratek Sauvignon with upgraded V-caps in my set-up and the sound is wonderful.
Getting a tube pre-amp will steer you in the right direction, but IMS changing to a gold IC was the icing on the cake, it gave me that rich tone and fullness I was looking for. The sound is still detailed and resolving but, has more meat on them bones.
I agree with Tvad the solution isn't one component. You will have to try different tubes,PC,IC,isolation devices,etc. until you get good synergy and the sound you like.
I have a Supratek Sauvignon with upgraded V-caps in my set-up and the sound is wonderful.