"One still needs to be cautious about the speaker's MINIMUM impedance (e.g., probably not less than the mid-3 ohms range) and still to seek speakers that have reasonably smooth impedance curves (no steep drops or spikes) without a lot of crazy phase shifts going on. "
The Dyn Confidence 5's meet this criteria?
I suppose the only way to know for sure how it will sound would be to try it and compare if possible without taking a loss if things did not pan out.
I understand how a lower output impedance opens up more possibilities regarding speaker matches, but I still wonder how to determine anything reliably up front in lieu of more detailed impedance curve info for a particular pair of speaks.
The Dyn Confidence 5's meet this criteria?
I suppose the only way to know for sure how it will sound would be to try it and compare if possible without taking a loss if things did not pan out.
I understand how a lower output impedance opens up more possibilities regarding speaker matches, but I still wonder how to determine anything reliably up front in lieu of more detailed impedance curve info for a particular pair of speaks.