Which integrated Amp for Vandersteen 2ce Sig2 ?

Am currently using a Marantz PM15S1 to drive these speakers - very bright, airy, detailed BUT thin and once its gets into symphony / orchestra music, its messy. Otherwise, for simple femalevocals and jazz, its beautiful.

Hv auditioned the below

- Ayre 7xe
- BAT vx300
- Marantz PM11S1
- NAD M3
- Luxman L-590u Class A
- Musical Fidelity A5.5
- Musical Fidelity A1

Price increase simply cannot justify the sound improvement....am now looking at the below -

Pass Labs int-150
Gryphon Diablo
Luxman L-590u

Any comments ....
my initial thought is that this is a speaker placement problem. any detail about placement?
I have 2CE's (the older version) and have heard the new ones. They are not bright speakers, rather they are a bit on the warm side of the fence. In addition, Marantz gear's "house sound" is warm and usually slightly rolled off at the top to my ear. So you have two warm items added together and are getting thin, cold sound - something doesn't add up. The previous poster suggested speaker placement - these speakers are hard work to place properly - I Can possibly give you some tips.

What is your source?
Thank you guys - for all ur response.

I am using a Vintage Marantz CD15 without any DAC.

I am basically v happy with the way my system sounds now except when it starts playing complicated CDs (symphony, orchestra) tats when it gets messy and in my chain, i can only point towards my integrated amp as being the weak link - PM15S1 - while its marvelleous at rendering JAZZ and VOCALS (esp females), its a little short on bass...

Or maybe its just the upgrading bug : ) - come to think abt it, its slightly insane that i hv auditioned so many pieces of amps and yet to decide on 1. PERHAPS and v likely, the JAPANESE sound indeed have grown on me such that all the US amps sound so different ....