Which integrated Amp for Vandersteen 2ce Sig2 ?

Am currently using a Marantz PM15S1 to drive these speakers - very bright, airy, detailed BUT thin and once its gets into symphony / orchestra music, its messy. Otherwise, for simple femalevocals and jazz, its beautiful.

Hv auditioned the below

- Ayre 7xe
- BAT vx300
- Marantz PM11S1
- NAD M3
- Luxman L-590u Class A
- Musical Fidelity A5.5
- Musical Fidelity A1

Price increase simply cannot justify the sound improvement....am now looking at the below -

Pass Labs int-150
Gryphon Diablo
Luxman L-590u

Any comments ....
Naits are great, especially for the money. How many watts in the Super Nait?
hee hee...for the records again, i have traded in the supernait for the

BAT vk300x ... now happily a BAT user .....

maybe the pre power - bat vk3ix and vk55 soon. but somehow, not sure if sonically its worth the additional $$$. the bat vk300x is like one of its kind in the BAT family INSTEAD of the entry level pre power : (