Anyone ever tried 2x100Watt Bi-Amp Vs 200 Watt

If the cost of additional cables doesn't matter, which way is preferable?
Bi-amping 2x100 watt can effectively be more powerful than 1x200 watts. LF and mid/HF driver simultaneously have such vastly different needs while playing. This does not gurantee a better sound, that depends on your speakers and the amp. But in general it is a more efficient method of powering your drivers so theoretically preferred.
I run the front r/l speakers in my home theater vertically biamped using 2 Electron Kinetics Eagle 4 amps (they're 2 ch @125 w/c). This configuration is far better than any other I've tried (and all other amps too. (see my system page "media room for one"). The speaker designer (Albert Von Schweikert) recommended this over using one higher power amp.

The only extra cabling it cost me is a "Y" adapter on the I/C. Even when I didn't run biamp, I still had bi-wire shotgun runs because my speakers require it.
The main reason is not so much a power issue but that of driver modulation. A woofer that moves like a jackhammer to make any bass will generate a fair amount of back EMF, the result of inertia causing it to behave differently than the input signal; biwiring does remove some of the back EMF from feeding back and modulating the mid and tweeter but not as much as a biamp configuration.