Best looking Amp/Preamp/Integrated?

Forget what the equipment sounds like - what is the best looking amp, preamp, or integrated piece of equipment?

One of my current favorites is the Opera-Consonance Forbidden City-Calaf Power amplifier
I really love the look of Hovland gear, especially the first preamp, HP-100 I think.
I'll take the older VAC Ren. Sig. (Granite Faces with Gold Specks & Gold Knobs) any day.
The sound is out of this world which make this combination very hard if not impossible to beat.
As more of a traditionalist, Audio Research (I feel) has done the best job of keeping the design(s) understated and beautiful. Kind of like a Mercedes or a Jaguar, it really doesn't matter the age,it will always remain a classic.
One of my favorites, though highly controversial, was the Aleph design by Nelson Pass. Large cube surrounded by black heat sinks. "Form follows function" to an extreme. One either loved them or hated them, but they were instantly recognizable as Pass amps.

They were replaced with the current thick silver faceplate with a large blue meter in the center. Again, instantly recognizable as a Pass design, but now instead of "form follows function", it seems to be more about design/asthetics and making a beautiful statement.