Best looking Amp/Preamp/Integrated?

Forget what the equipment sounds like - what is the best looking amp, preamp, or integrated piece of equipment?

One of my current favorites is the Opera-Consonance Forbidden City-Calaf Power amplifier

Lunac; Thanks, that WAS enjoyable! I'd hate to have to choose a favorite. Having eclectic taste like many, and even appreciating Jax2's nomination for "Electronluv", also making the AHOF list, but amongst worthy competition IMHO.

Any of your personal gear make the list?

Metro 04 - You sussed me out! I'm definitely passionate about my opinions. If I didn't have a passionate opinion I would likely have not posted at all - that's just me. I'm also a very visual person so that compounded my fervor. I thought my reasons were worth an explanation, but I guess I just like to hear myself write. Make no mistake about it though; my shit stinks just like the next guys - you can just take my word for that. It's only an opinion - you are dead right. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Keep your eyes on the funny sock monkey. Just an opinion folks, you can all go home and stop milling about...there's nothing to see here, move along now. Get the facts elsewhere...there are only opinions out here. You folks get'on home to your families, there's no debate here. Check the tele on Wednesday evening if you want debates. We just got a bunch of tired old opinions here so you can quit your gawkin'. You there - sir, you need to get on the other side of the yellow tape!

Thanks for setting me straight on that. I was thinking everything on these forums were based solely on factual information that I could take to the bank and cash in for some Krugerrands or Pandas, but instead your telling me these words are just like some fiat currency only worthy of some of that cabbage paper they're printing up for us with only faith and a prayer to back it. My world is shattered. I hope you're happy.

Ars Sonum integrated with gold faceplate. The Art Audio stuff is beautiful, and last but not least, the Dodd Audio Battery preamp with wood panels and mirrored steel top plate. Oh, yeah Accustic Arts gear.