Thanks for all the replies! I appreciate them.
I'm still considering the VAC integrated amps. The super would be nice but I may have to go with the Avatar for budget reasons.
I think the Tamino's do well with upwards of 50 watts. The VSi-55 was all over them with only 50 watts. Wide, open, very deep, good tonality. It did sound a tad dry for my taste. The AX7e seems less powerful but a tad more detailed with great soundstage but kind of thin sounding compared to the ARC. I know it's all apples and oranges but I just happened to have three sets of speakers and four amps available for a few months.
I think for me the quality of the amplifier makes more difference than the power rating. I had the Luxman 590AII for a while and I've never heard a 30 watt amp sound more spacious, clear, and powerful. Like a 200 watt amp. Quality trumps power so far IMO.
I guess more specifically, please describe what 3D dimensionality I would give up with a tube pre and ss amp vs tubes all the way through. This is probably most important to me. I've heard many ss combos and many tube combos but never a mix.
Thanks again.