Most Important?

After speakers where do you focus the lion share of your funds. I known garbage in garbage out. Would you buy a really great amp and an ok cd player of vice versa?

it is quite obvious you need to upgrade your source!!! your amplifications and speaker are more than respectable.

And it looks like you need a PLC for your source and preamp..I would get a dcs Puccini if you have the fund ,or a Naim CDP
>>I can't believe that people still believe it is the speakers the most important part of the chain!!!!<<

Ever think you might be wrong?
"Weakest link" a "good" rack and some isolation for your components including some isolation tweeks sorbogel, points etc., innerconnects & speaker cables & the room, your choice of the order ! S/C very important but not "paramount".
The real source is the recorded music not the player. Is the player more important than the speakers? I don't think so. Is the recording more important? Without a doubt.
Jazzkid to answer your question, I think that the weakest link of your system is the blue coloured painting of your room. Blue is transmitting a kind of psychological perception, which one may associate with cold, distance and being without emotive connections. Try repaint your room to a warmer sunnier color. Than you may change the location of your speakers. There are lots of info on this issue.