New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF

Anyone have a chance to hear the new Bel Canto amplification at RMAF? I understand they have a Mk II version of the Ref 1000's and some new mono amps. I'd be interested in hearing impressions.
Hi Dob, did you hear them at RMAF? The entire system in 589 was pretty remarkable. G.
Guido - you are absolutely right! The entire system in Bel Canto room was pretty remarkable. I think new Bel Canto is something which deserve more attention then older ones

All The Best
If you want more information on what John Stronczer has done with the new amps, watch the following video. He starts off by explaining how the S500 is designed, then goes on to explain the REF500 and REF1000MkII monoblocks:
Thank you Everest, that was very interesting. . . for one thing, according to John Stronczer in the video, , the front ends of Ref500 and Ref1000 amps appear to convert AC to DC and store temporarily the energy in a bank of capacitors. Feeding the machine stabilized DC is also the general idea behind the JRDG approach using PFC modules. . . in fact, when listening to Ref 500s in Denver, I was struck by a finesse that reminded me of JRDG 312. . . Even at the time I was wondering if Bel Canto was perhaps preconverting AC to DC in R500s.

Thanks very much for your observation. You are correct, careful auditioning cannot be substituted. I'll look into this in due time.

Best regards,
