New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF

Anyone have a chance to hear the new Bel Canto amplification at RMAF? I understand they have a Mk II version of the Ref 1000's and some new mono amps. I'd be interested in hearing impressions.
Dev, I agree with you that Rowland 501 monos, and even NuForce, and by all accounts the original Bel Canto 1000 Mk.1 may not yield the ultimate musical involvement. On the other hand, since then designs have been evolving rather rapidly, and some of the most recent class D designs, including the Bel Canto Mk.2 devices discussed here, have IMO reached a level of subtlety and involving musicality worth a new listen. Granted, top performing class D amps are not necessarily all inexpensive any longer, as the Rowland 312 stereo, and well appointed Spectron monos are in the same ballpark as the Pass X600.5. Conversely, The Mk.2 versions of the Bel Canto Ref500 and Ref 1000 are still more modestly priced. Yet, all of these devices have now reached performance levels that have little to do with switching amps of old. . . meaning of just 2 or 3 years ago (grins!) G.
Hello HiFiPete:

"Yes although I found the BC's interesting, something's missing, They didn't best my KRELL FPB 300c in sound, but most surprisingly not even in power. "

The real power of the amplifier is NOT in its rated rms as you will be normally using 5-10% of it.

The real power of the amplifier is in its headroom which is mostly defined by its power supply and Krell is good there (just look at its weight - mostly its transformer and heatsinks).

If you want "explosive" power then the fastest and having greatest power in the world is the pair of Spectron monoblocks ( 7000 watts over 0.5 seconds) More powerful then any Krell and more importantly much more MUSICAL (and I am professional cellist). Agaid - MUSICAL - involving, seductive etc. Matched with right preamplifier and you are in heaven. I am biased ...may be - I own the pair and it is better then any amp I have auditioned including MBL 9002, Plinius Regerence mono etc - except one amp - $60k Rite of Passage by Joule-Electra - if you are in high maintenance of OTL amplifiers.

All The Best
P.S. All other American class D amps (with exception of Jeff Rowland 312) are using inferior switching "weak" power supplies which do not allows great headroom for the feeling of power and effortlessness. Bel Canto including... I am afraid
Hi Rafael, please tell us more about your misgivings of Bel CantoRef Mk. 2 series. G.
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Hello Guido,

I did not do SERIOUS auditioning of this amp yet (I might). I heard it at RMAF 2008 where I liked it (yes, I liked it) but to make full impression based on exhibition - would be immature. I also have ...suspition that two Spectrons in monoblocks with full upgrades are better (as they should for $21k retail!)

All The Best,