Hello Tvad,
"H20 Class D amplifiers use very robust torroid/capacitor power supplies"
..and its probably one of the reason why they have a good reputation.
To know exactly what they are capable of (in power department) I would like to know
their peak power (Spectron 7000 watts)
their peak voltage (Spectron +/- 240 volts)
duration (Spectron - 0.4 second)
Distortions - AT FULL OUTPUT and at 20 kHz, I don;t remember that of Spectron but you can find it on their web site.
Most other manufacturers show their distortion levels at 10 watts and 1 kHz - which is not highly relevant to real music
Good capability do not translate automatucally into good performance, obviously. However, poor or mediocre capability CANNOT be transpated into good performance.
Again, the "power" of Krell is not in its rms but in its massive power supplies
Note, most class D manufacturers include in their specs words "soft clipping" and why? ...because they clip but if you are semi-deaf it will not hurt your hearing!
I have nothing against H2O - in its price range its one of the best (as I understand).
All The Best