Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?

Pls share your tweeks on your Spectron MIII MKII power amps.
I know the power cord and isolation devices makes a difference. At the moment I am powering up 3 pcs MIII MKII with PAD Dominus Ferox and installed Finite Elemente Cerapucs.
Each amp is feed on it's dedicated 20 amp 120 vac line.
The results are easily felt especially with more clarity of the bass notes.
I am considering adding the Remote Sense Cables, however, I operate 2 amps in mono and I am not sure if the Remote Sense applies in mono mode and what benefit versus the price of the Elrod cables.

Thank you.
I have the Spectron M3SE and have been using the Virtual Dynamics Revelation PC with extremely 3D and airy imaging. I upgraded all the output fuses to Hifi tuning fuses and it takes this amp to another level. I never tried the Elrod Signature PC, not sure how it compared to my VD Revelation.

The Spectron amps also benefit from good vibration/resonace isolation devices.

I use Equarack footers under most of my gear. I've written about them here.

Other similar options are HRS platforms and SRA platforms.


Hello Simontju,
That's interesting about the Elrods. I'm tempted to try the same, but I had a heck of a time setting up those cords. They are beasts!

It seems the Elrods contribute an added degree of naturalness to the many virtues of the Spectrons.

I was told by David that the cords would take several months to fully break in (!), so it would seem that my observations are preliminary at this point.
I used an Elrod Statement on my McCormack DNA-500 when it was in my system and had excellent results - it was the best cord I found for that amp - it seems to really excel with solid-state amps.
Elrod power cord excels with tube amplifiers too. I bought EPS-3 Signature for my tube amplifiers (BAT150SE) and soundstage expended, vivid colors suddenly appeared , bass tighted etc.
Elrod are the best, you are right guys!