Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?

Pls share your tweeks on your Spectron MIII MKII power amps.
I know the power cord and isolation devices makes a difference. At the moment I am powering up 3 pcs MIII MKII with PAD Dominus Ferox and installed Finite Elemente Cerapucs.
Each amp is feed on it's dedicated 20 amp 120 vac line.
The results are easily felt especially with more clarity of the bass notes.
I am considering adding the Remote Sense Cables, however, I operate 2 amps in mono and I am not sure if the Remote Sense applies in mono mode and what benefit versus the price of the Elrod cables.

Thank you.
Hello Bostonbean,

Very nice review. It's not surprising that after adding the Elrod Silver Signature SC your system has much more resolve. David Elrod set to design a speaker cable taking into account the great capabilities of today's powerful amps.




Thank you. I still can't get over what kind of effect the Elrod Silver speaker cables have had on my system. And from what I see drifting in others are getting the same results.


Hello Bostonbean, iSancez and all others.
Yesterday, I added Elrod Gold Statement Power Cord to my system (between wall and power conditioner so it benefirs all componenents including my Spectron monoblocks) and almost died and went in heaven...or vice-versa. I wrote nice letter to David and then decided to place it as the review here on Aufiogon (Product Reviews/Cables section). I know - what serious person writes review after a few hours of listening? So, I am not serious - I decided I can and should and I did.

Good Luck
Hi Simon, I enjoyed reading your review of the Elrod Gold Statement power cord. I just put the Silver Statement power cord into my system but directly from the wall into my Spectron amp. I have had many of the same results as you though the Gold's results are I'm sure more so. It did, though, take a few days for the Silver's to settle into my system, or maybe the reverse of that. Kind of like my amp and speakers were using muscles they had never used before.

I will probably write a full review but I will quickly say this. The increased clarity is phenomenal. And the increased clarity results in increased presence. It is like the musicians/instruments/vocalists have been dropped in front of me in my living room. That is the increased perceived volume you are hearing I believe.
"It is like the musicians/instruments/vocalists have been dropped in front of me in my living room. That is the increased perceived volume you are hearing I believe. "

You are probably right and it is highly possible but I decided not to speculate as to the reason why I moved volume control one notch down (2.5 - 3 dB) - just report what I heard and what I felt. With my current panel speakers - you need a lots of air to move to create the bass comparable to that of huge subwofers I owned before - and when I heard it but 10 times better (TIGHT - I did not know what really tight bass is until I heard it, felt it and rich and deep...)

I did not auditioned Elrod silver power cords but I own his older Statement (and Signature) cords and the difference, for me at least, was shocking.

Thank you