Preamp recommendations up to $2000

Hi everyone. The upgrade bug has reared it's head again and I'm starting to look for a better preamp. My present system is: Audio Note CD-2, Mapletree 2A SE pre, Edge G4 amp, and GMA Pico Executive speakers. I listen to mostly classical, with some pop/rock.

I don't have the audio vocabulary some of you do, but I guess I'm looking for a more open sound with a little more presence. I also wouldn't mind if the bass was a little fuller.

Although the Mapletree is a tube preamp, I would like all suggestions, including SS.

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A second vote for the PASS X1 or X2.5 - both are excellent neutral sounding well-built fully balanced Preamps. - with great customer service from PASS as well. Worth checking out...
The Ultra SL hybrid tube/solid state preamp from Audio by Van Alstine is a terrific component regardless of cost, but it does happen to cost less than $2k.
Audio Research LS5 MKIII it's the one componant of mine I've never been tempted to upgrade.
I would expect sounds real, and any retailer for that matter, to disclose their affilitaion with the products endorsed in a thread.

Not doing so is unethical.