What should I change

Hello everyone,

I currently have a 2 channel setup consisting of all Audia electronics (Audia Flight Pre, 100 AMP, CD-One), peak consult empress speakers, 2 stereo subs (audio data soutien 2s). ICs and PCs are made by my consultant.

While I can't complain about any aspect of the sound (soundstage, timber, impact etc is all good) I am stuck with the most intangible problem. Lack of or low on emotion. I can't seem to be able to get drawn into music.

I changed from all ARC an year back and although its been a long time I don't recall having this problem so consistently. Sure I had my bad days due to stress etc where music was not enjoyable but I don't remember this being a long streak.

Maybe I am just tired as it took me a year to get to my present system and it has been a long and hard journey. Or maybe its the tubes that I am still missing.

My consultant has a view (similar to many others I have read on the forums) that these days a well set up system sounds more or less the same as during the last 5 years or so SS and tubes have become very close if not the same. However tube maintenance is a pain. Therefore he is now a pure SS camper. However one twist is that he himself has a tube amp :-)

One question I have is that if I decide to try tube gear which one makes most difference in your experience. This will help as I can't test it with all tube gear to begin with but if one component would take me in the right direction I will move back into tube territory gradually again.

I also heard once that low damping factor (12) of ARC Ref110 was the part that gave it the distinct sound I seemed to enjoy so much. Any comments on that?

Personally I am not an expert and does not have decades of fideling experience with either tubes or SS but I know what I like.

In this thread I hope that people with more experience/knowledge will share some with me.

"For all folks suggesting tube pre/DAC what I have experienced and heard from other knowledgable people is that although a tube amp is the most painful tube component in terms of maintenance and weight unfortunately it is also the one having the most profound effect on sound. Therefore changing just to a tube DAC or pre will not give one the correct idea on tube sound."

This is probably a true statement in terms of relative impact of the amp versus other components, but I would not rule out a tube pre-amp and/or DAC based on this alone. I can vouch that the effect of a tube DAC can be very significant alone to the extent of totally changing the resulting sound, if that is what is desired. If what is needed is just a tweak, a tube DAC or pre can easily do that as well. THe devil is in the details....what tube piece to use and how it synergizes with the rest of the system, IMHO.
I agree that a tube amp can have a profound effect....but I'm of the same opinion as Mapman. A tube dac can influence the total sound of your system. Since you want to use digital as your source...I would try that first..as the sound can be tweaked a great deal by trying different tubes. My experience is that....a good,smooth,open tube dac is a must......

Also I have certain recordings that have always been my favorites...A lot of them are live recordings. I listen after 10 pm with the room dark...I can relax and the music can really soak in. That usually does the trick..
Hi Rayden, being where you are (Switzerland?) why not audition the FM Acoustics gears. No more debate as to tubes or SS sound, there'll be just you and the music! I respect and do love the AR, going back to their D115, SP10mkII, M300, SP11mkII, also quite recently lived with their Ref.600mkIII and Ref.3 for about 3yrs, alternating the amp with my 15yrs old FM611. But ultimately, after a dealer loaned me an FM pre-amp and some of their cablings earlier this year, i come to realize just how much better the FM combos in synergy are, to me, in my system. Since you are living there, you owe it to yourself to at least give them a listen in yours.. Goodluck!
Thanks again for all the suggestions.

After much deliberation I have decided to give a try to a tube preamp. The 2 contenders I am considering are ARC Ref 3 and Cary SLP-05. Based on my experience with both brands I am sensing a better chance with Cary but only listening will tell. I had an LS-26 before with CD3 and it was not too far off from SS however I heard both the Cary CDP (in my system) and SLP-05 (at a dealer) and they both had more tube sweetness.

If this takes me in the right direction I will see if I would want to venture into the tube amp domain again.
I am curious to hear how you ended up. I have Peak Consult Princess System speakers with ARC Ref 3 and Reference 110 amp. Almost everytime I listen to the system I find myself being drawn into the music. It is very enjoyable. I think the Reference 110 was the major change that seemed to create this sensation although the EMM Labs SACD player also made a huge difference.