"For all folks suggesting tube pre/DAC what I have experienced and heard from other knowledgable people is that although a tube amp is the most painful tube component in terms of maintenance and weight unfortunately it is also the one having the most profound effect on sound. Therefore changing just to a tube DAC or pre will not give one the correct idea on tube sound."
This is probably a true statement in terms of relative impact of the amp versus other components, but I would not rule out a tube pre-amp and/or DAC based on this alone. I can vouch that the effect of a tube DAC can be very significant alone to the extent of totally changing the resulting sound, if that is what is desired. If what is needed is just a tweak, a tube DAC or pre can easily do that as well. THe devil is in the details....what tube piece to use and how it synergizes with the rest of the system, IMHO.
This is probably a true statement in terms of relative impact of the amp versus other components, but I would not rule out a tube pre-amp and/or DAC based on this alone. I can vouch that the effect of a tube DAC can be very significant alone to the extent of totally changing the resulting sound, if that is what is desired. If what is needed is just a tweak, a tube DAC or pre can easily do that as well. THe devil is in the details....what tube piece to use and how it synergizes with the rest of the system, IMHO.