Mesa Baron

Not a question, really, just looking to share something with any users of the Mesa Baron all-tube power amp (now sadly discontinued).

I just found THE preamp to match this high-gain amp, after trying for 10 years. It's the Promitheus Audio TVC (passive transformer volume control).

Over the past 12 years, I've used the Baron in 3 phases - back in 96-97, when it first came out, when I reviewed it for a publication; then in 2000-2001 when I bought and then sold one ... and finally, in 2004, which I intend to keep until Hell freezes over.

I've used McCormack's passive TLC-1 preamp (a pretty great match), Audio Research low-gain LS15 and LS16, Quicksilver Linestage and many others ... but something just clicked with the TVC.

Just in case anyone's still in the hunt to optimise their Baron's performance. Do note - all the while, I've been using the stock version. I have, however, messed around with the input driver tubes (AX7) - the onboard Russion Sovteks have the best punch, Tungsols sound cleaner and airier, and Mullards are just too syrupy for me ... :)

Appreciate any thoughts ...

Thanks so much! I am indeed still on that quest, since buying Baron #54 in '96, and will try it. Mesa used to recommend a passive pre. I have also used an AR LS-15 pre (for many years). Would suspect your advice applies to all transformer-based passives preamps. IMHO, if your amp lacks the tri-tube mod (and their capacitor mod) and you are using 6L6's or 5881's, you are missing the boat; EL-34's sound far better in that amp. However, higher voltage, so they are less reliable; it goes in for repair every few years. Like you, I may upgrade everything else, but the Baron will be passed to an heir.
Hi Lloydc ... I'm far away in Malaysia, can't find anyone authorised to do this mod, so have stuck with stock tubes, in 2/3 pentode and 1/3 triode mode. I always regretted selling the previous Baron I had, so this was a bit of luck, getting the very last unit left in the store. I worry about having to get a new set of 12 matched power tubes sometime in the future, hope Mesa stocks them.

When I plugged in the TVC, my jaw dropped ... since then, I've been fine-tuning everything else around this combination (I use JPS Superconductor 2 XLR connects for pre-power - Mesa recommended the original Superconductors back in 1996).

Have fun ... :)