A balanced passive preamp?

Thats what I need to mate with my Monarchy SM70 pros. I need some suggestions. I would like to keep it under 1500 used if possible. I would also like at least a volume remote....Thanks in advance.

Do you need multiple sources or is it a single source system? I had a single CD sourced system when I owned Monarchy SM70s in the past. I used a Theta Miles balanced version CD player connected directly to the amps via balanced interconnects. The Miles has internal analog mode variable volume that is remote controllable.

If you have a need for multiple sources, obviously you would need something else....


I am using a Red Wine Audio modded SB2 thru analog outputs right now. I had toyed with the idea of getting a DAC and attenuator in the same component. The only one I could think of was the Bel Canto DAC 3 but might be a little above my budget right now. I only need one input. I would like to have something with balanced and single ended inputs so I could eventually add a balcance DAC.

The Monarchy Audio model 22C DAC or Model 33 DAC/pre-amp are very good for the used prices. Alas, no remote.


If you're willing to stretch it to $2250 the new Bent TAP would be the ticket. There are occasionally balanced versions of the Sonic Euphoria that come up used as well. Promitheus is another option. To my knowledge only the Bent has remote.