Looking for power amp with warm, smooth sound

Have some Monitor Audio RS6's that are sounding bright and fatigueing to my ears with my Marantz 6003 receiver. Would adding a power amp with warmth tone down the brightness and add more fullness to the sound of the speakers? I would use the Marantz as a pre for now. Any recommendations for one under about $1200?
The RS6's are a pretty bright speaker. I may consider trying to sell them and use the money you set aside for an amp towards a speaker upgrade.
Second the Cayin A-50T...excellent amp! Sonics, cosmetics, build - all first rate!!!
ROTEL 1080

Any of these should do it.

If not... and even before throwing another amp at things, maybe adding a power filter for a couple hundred might help, like the UPC 200 from PS Audio.

If the receiver has a migratory power cord, that option too should be explored.

I overlooked cabling and conditioning early on and went through a lot more $$$ than I might have, had I looked into those accessories as a solution. Instead I began replacing components and that's an expensive lesson as ultimately they needed to be addressed.

Good luck.
Do not go with the Rotel 1080 if you are looking to warm up those speakers. Ii have owned the 1080 and it is anything but WARM, it is certainly on the bright side. The Cayin would be a good choice as would a Jolida 302BRC. The Jolida is an integrated using EL-34 tubes thus giving you the ability to take the reciever out of the mix if you wish.
Audio Refinement Power Amp. Multi-2 or Multi-3. 120 watts/ch. Butter smooth. Great bass power. Really. Much less than $1200 used.
A couple for sale here, and I have one mine is for sale on Audio Circle. I'm going Class A low power route now.