Reccomend an integrated tube Amp-under 2k

I've got some good advice from this forum, so in that spirit I would like some ideas about getting a new integrated amp for my speakers.

The speakers I have are VMPS QSO 626R:
Mid: - 280 Hz - 6.9 kHz
Treble: - FST, 6.9 kHz - 30 kHz
Impedance & Sensitivity:- 8 Ohm (5.6 min.) 90 dB/1W/1m
Power handling: - 150 W rms /4 Ohms, 20 W min.
Frequency response:- 42 Hz-25 kHz +0/-3 dB

I have already an integrated tube amplifier: Melody SP3, modified with Mullard and TungSol tubes.
My source is 90% digital music( CDs and computer, via a CI Audio DAC).
I feel that I don't get the full potential of those speakers with this amp, so I would like to "upgrade":)

My budget is something under $2000.
I feel that I don't get the full potential of those speakers with this amp, so I would like to "upgrade"
What do you feel is missing or out of balance?
Not enough power or authority?
Dynamic contrasts?
Loose of flabby bass?
Rolled off high frequencies?
Too much midrange emphasis, not enough?
Clarity or image focus?

A little more info would really help people understand what you are looking for. There are actually some pretty good choices within your price range.
re: Darkmoebius
My current amps does not have enough power and the clarity is somehow not "clear" :)
It seems as well the sound stage is a bit on the small scale...
I think, given your speakers' specs and your desire for more dynamic power and greater clarity, that a Pathos Classic One Mk III would be something to explore. You'd get about double the Melody's output at 8 and 4 ohms (130 at 4, within your peak range for the speakers). The pre stage is Class A and true balanced, and has a pair of XLR inputs, which makes it more versatile than the Melody. It also has a remote, something the melody lacks. I think the Solid State amp stage might also give you the dynamic authority and strength in sound staging you cite as a problem with the Melody. I heard the melody in a casual listening sessions and thought it pretty nice, but that it would be bested by most others mentioned here (VTL and Rogue especially). I think that Pathos keeps its resale well, as it's got good reviews, looks great, and most importantly sounds great.