Reccomend an integrated tube Amp-under 2k

I've got some good advice from this forum, so in that spirit I would like some ideas about getting a new integrated amp for my speakers.

The speakers I have are VMPS QSO 626R:
Mid: - 280 Hz - 6.9 kHz
Treble: - FST, 6.9 kHz - 30 kHz
Impedance & Sensitivity:- 8 Ohm (5.6 min.) 90 dB/1W/1m
Power handling: - 150 W rms /4 Ohms, 20 W min.
Frequency response:- 42 Hz-25 kHz +0/-3 dB

I have already an integrated tube amplifier: Melody SP3, modified with Mullard and TungSol tubes.
My source is 90% digital music( CDs and computer, via a CI Audio DAC).
I feel that I don't get the full potential of those speakers with this amp, so I would like to "upgrade":)

My budget is something under $2000.
I've read a bit about hybrid integrated amps, and it doesn't match my taste: pure tubes all the way:)

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!
VTL is value.Maybe a bit more would get best value in a a Cary SLi-80.If you want to tube roll and still get SS control of bass the Pathos III (not II) is great.Only thing I don't like is lack of pre-out main in.One guy here in systems had two side by side for 170 wpc(!!!).Maybe another hybrid to check is Unison Unico line.Great reviews.I have all tube EAR EL34 40 watt and it's great but sometimes I wish I had more slam in bass and not just great mids.If yu ever wantot bi-amp a pre-out is nice which mine does not have.