If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
Jax2, Bill indeed did email me that his attempt at humor failed.

My point is, as always, know when a dealer is onthread and decide for yourself by audition whenever possible, after narrowing your choice as much as reasonable here and with other resources.

Dave - My point was that I did not have any sense at all that Bill was pushing his wares. I didn't think in the context of this particular thread, and the content of his posts, that a disclaimer was necessary. Beyond that, and in general, I'd agree with you that a dealer should post a disclaimer when making specific recommendations (Bill made none, unless I missed something). I take it for granted that most folks might know Bill is a dealer, but certainly that may not be the case.

PS I think most folks here have some sort of 'agenda', whether conscious or subconscious. It's part of being human - wanting to make all the stuff actually mean something, and creating some kind of attachment to that meaning. I do it myself. I can't help it, but I am very aware of it most of the time. I don't think that changes anything at all. So whether your agenda is selling your widgets, or making yourself feel important and self righteous (DkZX4) or entertaining (yes, I see myself in that mirror), there's always some agenda or other behind what you read here. Should we all have to post disclaimers at every turn? I know, this is a rather extreme viewpoint. Like our sunshiney pal who started this thread, I digress!
Jax2 it was really funny about the paper bag and all, I enjoyed it.
But don't get all serious to psychoanalyze the InterwebZ it makes cats yawn.

Why no one recommended Integrated McIntoshes? Don't they have open treble and good flat output?
I see a bunch of them here at under 2K. How would McIntosh Ingrtd compare to Ayre, sound-wise?
Glad to see you have a sense of humor!

I've got a photo of Natalie Portman inside my paper bag.

Jax2, perhaps you've never had Bill follow you around and bash your recommendations. I have. Perhaps that explains my lack of recognition of his attempt at humor.

A dealer doesn't have to recommend his own components to support his business if he's negative about the alternatives.

IMHO, dealers and manufacturers need to be very careful what they say on these forums. Perhaps that's unfortunate for those like Bill that just want to participate, but I think that they are held to a higher standard than us enthusiasts, whether they like it or not.
