If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
Jax2 it was really funny about the paper bag and all, I enjoyed it.
But don't get all serious to psychoanalyze the InterwebZ it makes cats yawn.

Why no one recommended Integrated McIntoshes? Don't they have open treble and good flat output?
I see a bunch of them here at under 2K. How would McIntosh Ingrtd compare to Ayre, sound-wise?
Glad to see you have a sense of humor!

I've got a photo of Natalie Portman inside my paper bag.

Jax2, perhaps you've never had Bill follow you around and bash your recommendations. I have. Perhaps that explains my lack of recognition of his attempt at humor.

A dealer doesn't have to recommend his own components to support his business if he's negative about the alternatives.

IMHO, dealers and manufacturers need to be very careful what they say on these forums. Perhaps that's unfortunate for those like Bill that just want to participate, but I think that they are held to a higher standard than us enthusiasts, whether they like it or not.

perhaps you've never had Bill follow you around and bash your recommendations. I have. Perhaps that explains my lack of recognition of his attempt at humor.

Yes, that would explain it. If I thought that were happening to me I might contact the person outside of the context of the thread and see if I could resolve it. As it is, it appears you are just doing to him what you don't like it is that you think he's doing to you. ...as you would have others do unto you, and all that.

IMHO, dealers and manufacturers need to be very careful what they say on these forums. Perhaps that's unfortunate for those like Bill that just want to participate, but I think that they are held to a higher standard than us enthusiasts, whether they like it or not.

I agree, in part. If I were a dealer I would be very careful about the image I put forth as it is very easy to misinterpret with only words on a screen to go by. As far as holding them to a higher standard, well, they're only human, and really, we are not in court here, lives are not at stake or anything. These are electronic boxes we're discussing. Not that far removed from a toaster or a waffle iron. It never ceases to amaze me how much of our egos we attach to this stuff (I'm not excluding myself from that statement). Anyway, sorry to hear that you've been feeling that way about Bill and hope you two can resolve it. Hey, I think I heard a few cats yawning there!
I believe in saying what I believe in the thread. Some people like to take it outside, but I would generally disagree. Bill misjudged, but his own admission, so I'm comfortable with his position in this thread. What happens between me and him in other threads is up to him.
