BAT VK-32 tube preamp or stay with BAT VK-3ix

I have ordered a BAT VK-55SE. (I was using a solid state VK-220). I currently have a BAT VK-3ix which I really think is a nice preamp. I haven't been able to find much on the VK-32 and am curious to know if you think it would be a big step up from the VK-3ix. If I do this I'm probably looking at the non-SE version of the preamp as I kind of like the idea of the 6922's in the chain. (If you think the SE version is the better option plse say so).

Would prefer to not have recommendations for another brand of preamp as I really like BAT and the synergy I got with the VK-220 and 3-ix. I just got the urge to try a Tube amp for the first time, so any thoughts on the VK-32 or 32SE are appreciated.

Source is Ayre C-5xe and speakers = Harbeth M-30, and I don't have a local dealer where I can audition.

Thanks, Mark
Thanks for your responses so far..

51se vs. 32se scenario is a give and take situation, where the new 32se has a more natural organic rendition of texture/timbre of tone.
Tom, I really liked the 51SE and if in fact the 32SE does the above that's what I'm looking for. I have to say I'm in no way disappointed with the 3-IX. I think it's a very nice preamp.

I had a 51SE once - best pre I've owned. I like BAT's service, build quality and am very anxious to try my first tube amp. The BAT equipment I've had just sounds 'right' to me so any other thoughts on the 32/32SE would be appreciated.
Thanks - Mark
Hello Mark,

Congratulations on the new BAT VK-55se amp! May I suggest to take your time and enjoy the upgrade and the break-in process. Give yourself time to discern the differences you'll be hearing and to learn your likes and (possibly) dislikes from the change to the VK-55se.

Once you feel that you have thoroughly absorbed and lived with the sonic impact from inserting the VK-55se into your system, only then would I look forward to the preamp.

Mark, my reason for offering this advice is that you may have different feelings and opinions on what you'll want from a preamp upgrade until after fully experiencing the changes the new amp has made. For example you may find yourself wanting a more lively upfront presentation or one that is a little more laid back and allows you to listen into the music. From my experience these types of things take the investment of time to surface, until fully appreciating the differences the amp has made my advice would be to wait on the pre. Wish you all the best in this process ....



Thanks for the sound advice, which I intend to heed! I was planning on using the 3ix upon arrival of the 55SE and might likely find no need to upgrade :)

It makes sense to just use some frequent flyer miles and go listen to one if the time comes, but would still be curious to hear from a VK32/VK32SE owner as to how you like your preamp.


i audition both 32se and 3xi for my vk55 power amp.

i returned 32se the next day but kept the 3xi / 55 combo for a week.

they just somehow sound more right - airy - delicate than the 32se/55 combo which sound more solid state to me ...