Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?

Apparently there is a MK3 version of the highly regarded LA-150 now and I can't seem to find any info on it. Can anyone tell me how it differs from the MK2? Thanks in advance, John.
Hello Rafael,

I haven't gotten to it yet due to time constraints during the last few weeks. I hope to post it in a couple of weeks.


After two weeks with new LA-300ME I decided it was time to put my 2 cents in here. I am thrilled with its performance and the improvements it has brought to enjoyment of my music collection. My system was not anywhere near this level with my previous preamp (Arcam FMJ C31) but I've been upgrading, starting with speakers and moving up the chain. The impact of the Joule-Electra preamp on the system is tremendous. Overall impression is - as has been stated by others here - of musicality. Just sit back, listen and smile, it is all there from top to bottom with slam or delicacy as appropriate, with a sense of reality that gets right to the point of why we spend our hard earned dollars on this hobby. FYI, the system has Revel Ultima Studio2 with NuForce Ref 9 SE V2 & Marantz Universal player
Hello Nrubado,

Congrats on your new 300ME. You should expect the 300ME to get even better with time. It'll become more dynamic, more transparent and it'll play music as if it has an unlimited energy reserve.

Has anyone heard the LA150MKII Signature Edition which is suppose to incorporate some of the changes in the 300 at a lower price point?
Hello Pubul67,


I also have auditioned LA-150ME, replaced by LA-300, and I believe its very similar to LA-150SE you are asking.

At any rate - what I auditioned - to put it simply, was so good that one audition made me wanting this preamp and when, very soon, LA-300 ME became available _ I got it and I enjoy it immsensely as no other preamp I ever owned or auditioned.

All The Best