Self bias tube integrated or power amp suggestions

I'm looking for recommendations on a quality tube amp that is self bias,could be a power amp or integrated amp.
I would like to stay below a grand used,Chinese amps are fine as long as they have a good reputation.

I need something with decent power too. Like 20 watts or more. Triode a plus/prefered.

Looking forward to finding something. I have an Eastern Electric pre to use with a power amp.

Thanks in advance.
I would highly recommend the PrimaLuna line, though this will cost a little more than a grand used. You might be able to find a Prologue One integrated for near that used.
There is a Primaluna PL1 on here right now for around $900.

Great sounding amp, easy to use, musical
The AES / Cary AE-25 amp is auto-biasing, all point-to-point wired, sounds wonderful, uses a wide range of output tubes and is within your budget. It puts out only 15 watts in triode but mine has no trouble at all with a pair of 88db speakers in an 11x17 room.
Consonnace amps - check out the closeout ads from Quest for Sound under integrated tubeamps here -some are a little more than what you want to pay, but brand new and attractive prices - very nice amp (I am not affliated other than as a customer)