Parasound JC 1 or Musical Fidelity KW 550?

Which Amp will be the best for my B&W N802s?
Current System;
Mccormack cd transport,Bel canto dac3,Sonic Frontier Line2,
or Pass Labs X1,Straightwire crecendos and serenade ICs,Serenade speaker wire. thank you
JC-1's, I have never heard the MFidelity's but the JC-1's are simply fantastic.
These are two of the best amps available. Either should be great. I have the Nuvista integrated and it is the best amp I have had. I use to have 801s and would have loved to hear it driving them. But all Curl's designs are exceptional. I don't think you can go wrong with either.
Have you heard the MF supercharger KW550? How does it compare to JC-1s or the Nu-vista connected to a Preamp insted of as a booster? thanks
I had a dealer demo an a/b comparison for me of the Parasound vs the MBL 8011' wasn't close; the mbl's were much tighter; cleaner; smoother; and richer than the Parasound...and run a lot cooler...was not impressed with the Parasound...this was on same cables and speakers; we just switched out at same listening session the different amps; on same music was very revealing...and they are similiar in price...just my two cents.

In the current isssue of Stereophile (Dec 2008) there is follow up of supercharcher MF 550 and reviewer did not liked it because this amplifier clearly impose its own sonic signature on the system sound overdhadowing sound from small amp. He found it to be overly bright both as supercharher and amp by itself.

John Atkinson also have the same conclusion: too lean and too bright
John did review of new MF Supercharger 750 ($10k) as stand alone amp and he likes it but no more.

Parasound JC-1 and MBL are very good amps - everybody agree. If you can try Spectron Musician III Mk2 - you will not be disappointed

All The Best