which tube mono blocks?

I run electrostatics that are 4Ohm @ 86dB. I currently use 200w Class A SS mono's. Which tube amps should I get to try?
.Kurt_tank .Yes, you correct..Audiofeil/Bill seems to have issues with several users on this site from what I have read.Point taken,My comment was simply this..The original poster was asking about what tube amps to try with a very difficult speaker.The best solution IMO if he wants to get into tube amps is to replace the speakers with an easier load.
Audio Valve challenger monos class A, xlr rca,easy auto bias can run kt88, el34, 6550, shows if tubes need replacing, stable into low ohms, great for stats.
How about the Rogue Zeus monoblocks @ 225 watts and reasonably priced used - at least compared to some of the other options referenced.
thanks for all the posts and keep them coming. I will be keeping the speakers so that's no an option.


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