"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
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B&O and their government spent a ton of money developing ICEPower. That gets you a certain base level of acceptable performance. Spectron, Rowland, Bel Canto and others enhance the base modules and move you into high fidelity. How high is debatable, but I happen to think that it's true high fidelity.

There'll always be people that prefer SET over anything else. There'll also be plenty of people that prefer high end applications of ICEPower over SET, Class A or MOSFET. There's room for all of us and, thankfully, plenty of choices for all of us.

I believe that you should pick the best speaker that you can afford, that is suited to your room, next buy the best sources that you can afford and finally match it up with an amplifier that works well with you speakers. The speaker choice is certainly a personal preference, then, by default, most of the other choices become personal preference. If I don't want tubes in my DAC, that shouldn't prevent someone else from seeking a tube-DAC.

There's nothing hard and fast about Class D and, ultimately, we need to listen for ourselves and chose according to our personal prejudice and desires.

Breuninger, very interesting indeed. What is the rest of your set-up consist of with the MBL's including IC's, PC's and SC's. I thought I read you were using Jadis 500 mono blocks.

I actually have the same speakers as you but when I was doing the evaluations of "D" class I was doing it with Eggleston Andra 2's, Virtual Dynamic Genesis cables threw out.

Ericjcabrera, which current models and what did you go with and why, what differences did you find.

Dcstep, you own a Jeff Rowland 500 Continuum Integrate have you done any listening comparisons with any other similar designed amps such as Spectron, if so what's your take. I really like the gorgeous look of Rowland product.
Spectron and Nuforce don't use the B&O module or anybody else's for that matter. They use their proprietary module.
Sbank, Philefreak is a die hard SET amp guy.

Philefreak, I know you responded to the other thread but you should add a little more here about you experiences with class "D" and specifically your thoughts of Spectron product.

Philefreak that was great info. you gave in the other thread, I have heard from others that going with mono blocks the difference again is major, any thoughts.